This month is unbelievable! Did you think making 3000 euros in just one month was impossible? Here is proof!
Here is how I made 3000 euros in less than a month:
Choose a good trader (I chose Manav Predictor) and LOT SETTING 1.5 was automatically chosen by Zulutrade as I had a 10.000 euros deposit to that account.
Don’t want to invest all your money? You can start with a demo account today! You will learn how it works and experience is important in this business! Although the traders will do almost everything for you!
Manav Predictor is not a newbie
My trader Manav Predictor opens and stops trades even while I sleep! Manav Predictor knows how to trade. He has for the moment a 96% in winning trades and he has done 506 trades during his 70 weeks on Zulutrade. It’s important to choose a responsible trader with a long experience and not to risky behaviour. I feel quite safe with Manav Predictor, and will continue to use him to trade for me!
What happens next?
If you start up with a demo account, you can see if Zulutrade is the platform for you. Test out a Forex account with Zulutrade and choose some relialbe traders. Let Zulutrade automatically choose the lot size settings for you. We really don’t want to risk margin calls because you never know when drawdowns appear.
Finding profitable traders at Zulutrade is not so difficult!
After a while you can consider to create a LIVE ACCOUNT! It’s natural to be a bit more conservative when you “play with your real money”. And I recommend you to start wiht an amount you can survive without! What about 500 euros or so? One of my accounts have increased from 500 to 1900 in less than 5 weeks! That’s really amazing work done by my traders at that account. I will show you that in another article I will publish for the upcoming days!

How to make 3000 euros in less than 30 days! This month is unbelievable! Did you think making 3000 euros in just one month was impossible? Here is proof!
If you visit Zulutrade you can check out the Forex Platform and the history log of Manav Predictor. And why not just create a demo account today and see how it works! You don’t risk anything, you don’t pay anything! You don’t even need to type in any credit card number! IT’s a great way to learn how copying a trader works! And trust me, you can make 3000 euros in an easy way too, in the future!